This section of TalkRevelstoke will inform you of key upcoming dates on things like Council meetings and public engagement as it relates to the Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-Write project.
The second major milestone of the Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-Write project – full draft release of the new Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map – is now complete and ready for public review! The online map tool to show you your zoning has also been updated. The City would like to thank all 260 members of the public who participated and provided feedback through fourteen (14) coffee chat discussions in April and May. For those that are short on time and don't have a chance to review the draft bylaw in depth, a Summary of Major Changes has been prepared to give you a quick reference to key changes made in the Bylaw.
Feedback on the draft Bylaw can be provided by emailing zoningbylaw@revelstoke.ca. For those that are looking to take a deeper dive and provide more feedback, meetings can be scheduled with planning staff throughout the summer by emailing zoningbylaw@revelstoke.ca. Further opportunities to inform the community about the changes in this Bylaw will occur in the fall in advance of a formal public hearing.
Have a question? Post it below for staff to get back to you. Have an idea for something to be reviewed as part of the re-write? Post it below using the Idea tool or comment on others Ideas. If you have done all of this and are still keen to learn more, please contact the project manager by emailing zoningbylaw@revelstoke.ca
The second major milestone of the Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-Write project – full release of the Draft Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map – is now complete! Here are the key documents to be aware of to help you review and understand the changes (these are also uploaded to the documents section of this page):
- Draft Zoning Bylaw
- Draft Zoning Bylaw (Track Changes)
- This document shows the changes that have been made since the March 2024 release of the draft zones
- Draft Zoning Map
- Online map showing your zoning
- Summary of Major Changes
- List of Changes since March 2024
- This includes changes that were made based on public feedback from the coffee chat sessions throughout April and May 2024
- Information Sheet with details on how to navigate the changes
Public feedback on the draft Zoning Bylaw can be provided throughout the summer until August 30. Feedback can be provided in two ways:
- Email your feedback to zoningbylaw@revelstoke.ca; or
- Schedule a meeting with planning staff to provide feedback by emailing zoningbylaw@revelstoke.ca
After the summer, further engagement opportunities are anticipated in the fall to inform the community of the Bylaw, and answer questions in advance of a formal public hearing.
NOTE: If you are having trouble checking your zoning, navigating the bylaws, or accessing any documents, call or email Development Services at 250-837-3637 / development@revelstoke.ca, or visit the Development Services department at 216 Mackenzie Avenue.
The City is completing a Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-Write and if you live in Revelstoke, this will impact you!
Zoning bylaws influence development by spelling out the rules for what you can do on your property, the types of buildings that can be constructed on a property, density of development, and whether or not a property can be subdivided (creating new lot lines and separate titles). The re-write is being completed predominately with the use of in-house staff with the guidance of an external technical consultant and is anticipated to take between 18 and 24 months to complete. Curious about what your current zoning is? Check out the City's Interactive Web Map. Once you find out your zoning, review Zoning Bylaw No. 2299 to see what you are allowed to do under your current zoning. This will help you be aware of how any changes may impact you.
You may be asking, “why is it going to take so long”? Well, Revelstoke’s Zoning Bylaw has never gone through a comprehensive re-write. It will be a very technical undertaking with careful consideration for existing uses, alignment with the recently completed Official Community Plan and Housing Action Plan, and ensuring ample time for Revelstoke’s residents to be able to review and provide feedback so that they understand how the new bylaw may impact their property, properties in their neighbourhood, as well as the community at large. To ensure you don’t miss out on any key milestones and engagement events, sign up for email updates on TalkRevelstoke for the Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-Write project using the tool on the right.
The general anticipated phasing of the project is shown below.
The public engagement strategy is multi-faceted for this project. Staff have developed a project management plan that allows for ample time for the community to provide feedback at key milestones. Below provides specific details and the estimated timing of major public engagement events. While the intent is to follow the engagement process as shown below, these tactics and specific timing of events may be subject to change as the project progresses to ensure that the community has sufficient time to be informed and work with staff to provide feedback. Staff will update TalkRevelstoke should there be any changes to the engagement strategy or timing. In addition to the items below, the City will use the community newsletter, social media, mailouts, newspaper advertisements, Committee of the Whole updates, online surveys, online Q & As, and the Mayor’s YouTube videos to increase awareness about the project and key events.
- March 2023 to March 2024 – Several meetings covering a range of topics will be discussed with the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) for feedback. APC meetings are generally held in Council and online, and agendas can be viewed on the City's website.
- Wednesday May 3, 2023 – 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM – Initial public engagement event that will be held in-person at the Revelstoke Community & Aquatic Centre, MP3 Room (600 Campbell Avenue) as well as online. This meeting will be livestreamed and is an opportunity for the community to become informed about the project, understand the key milestones and engagement activities, and to ask questions. Staff will give a presentation of the project beginning shortly after 6:00 PM and allow ample time for questions from the public.
- March 2024 – April 2024 – This is the first major milestone for the project, where a new draft Official Zoning Map along with all new / updated draft zones will be released to the public for feedback. Interested members of the public will be able to schedule coffee chat meetings with the project team for structured dialogue. Depending on the level of interest from the public, meetings may be organized on a neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood basis with a staggered release of the new draft zones and Official Zoning Map. A community wide mailout was undertaken to inform of the changes.
- May 2024 – This is the anticipated date for the full release of the new draft Zoning Bylaw which, in addition to the new zones and new Official Zoning Map, will include all supplementary regulations and parking requirements.
- June to August 2024 – With the full release of the bylaw, additional opportunities for members of the public to schedule meetings with the project team for structured dialogue will be available. Depending on the level of interest from the public, this timeline could be extended.
- September / October 2024 – This is the anticipated timing for general open houses to inform the public of the contents of the new draft Zoning Bylaw in advance of formal Council consideration and a Public Hearing.
- October / November 2024 – Within this window is the anticipated timing for initial Council consideration and completion of a formal Public Hearing for the new draft Zoning Bylaw. The exact timing of Council consideration will be dependent on the level of public feedback and any requirements for final changes to the bylaw in advance of formal consideration.
This section includes an overview of how staff will be completing the Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-Write project. It is important to note that as the project evolves, changes along the way may occur. This page will be updated with any major changes to ensure that the public is aware of key milestones and events.
What is a Zoning Bylaw?
Zoning Bylaws are established under Section 479 of the Local Government Act and allow for local government to regulate the following:
- Use of land, buildings and structures;
- Density of the use of land, buildings and structures;
- Siting, size, dimensions of buildings and structures and permitted uses on land;
- Location of uses on land;
- Limit the form of residential tenure; and
- Regulate the shape, dimensions and area, including minimum and maximum lot sizes, of all parcels that may be created by subdivision.
Why do we need a Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-Write?
With the recently completed Official Community Plan and Housing Action Plan, a comprehensive re-write of the Zoning Bylaw will support implementation of these documents. Each plan contains a list of action items that include specific updates to be considered for the Zoning Bylaw.
As the City’s Zoning Bylaw has not undergone a comprehensive re-write for many decades, there are currently a lot of gaps in the bylaw that need to be addressed. Some examples include:
- Analysis of existing zones and consideration of developing new zones to support desired forms of housing;
- Review of all permitted uses to ensure sufficient space is zoned appropriately for local businesses as the economy changes over time;
- Updating and adding new regulations to support things like small-scale agriculture, home occupations, and commercial / industrial landscaping requirements; and
- Review of parking regulations to support a shift towards a multi-modal transportation network.
The Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-Write will seek to address the above noted items and others by working with the community and completing detailed technical analysis.
Wasn’t the Zoning Bylaw recently updated?
Yes! On January 13, 2022 Council adopted Zoning Bylaw No. 2299. The adoption of this bylaw constituted the initial phase of the comprehensive re-write and was done to address immediate issues that the City was facing, predominately with respect to housing. The adoption of Zoning Bylaw No. 2299 accomplished the following:
- Accessory dwelling unit (ADU) regulations (Section 5.7 of the Zoning Bylaw) to introduce a new development form in single family residential areas to promote infill and increase rental options (garden and carriage suites);
- Changes for secondary suites to allow them in two-unit (duplex) dwellings and row house dwellings;
- Density bonusing provisions to reduce the reliance on Comprehensive Development zones and promote increased density in higher density and mixed-use zones when community amenities such as affordable housing is provided for;
- Minor amendments to minimum lot area requirements to support further residential subdivision;
- Parking regulation changes to reduce parking requirements for mixed use and multifamily residential developments in proximity to community amenities;
- Food security regulations to promote greenhouses and allow for minor agricultural pursuits to be undertaken as home occupations;
- Parking and storage rules to regulate storage of boats and recreational vehicles within residential zones;
- Temporary Building and Structure regulations to align with the Building Bylaw; and
- General housekeeping clean-up (restructuring, new definitions, eliminating contradictions in regulations etc.)
What does the re-write involve?
Building on the success of the initial phase of the comprehensive re-write detailed above, the completion of the Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Re-write will include:
- Review of existing zones including updates, consolidation, drafting of new zones, as needed;
- Review of all uses within the zoning bylaw, adding new uses, removing and consolidating existing uses, as needed, and updating list of permitted uses in all zones;
- Review of what new zones should be applied for all properties within the City (i.e. updating the City’s Official Zoning Map);
- Review of all definitions for clarity, consistency and inconsistencies, add new definitions where required
- Drafting of new / updated supplementary zoning regulations; and
- Drafting of new / updated parking and loading regulations.
What will the re-write accomplish?
A lot! For anyone who has ever tried to navigate the Zoning Bylaw, you may know that it can be a challenge. For those that are familiar with the City’s Zoning Bylaw, you may know of some of the limitations that currently exist that can prolong approval processes for new development. This update will seek to address these issues and more by accomplishing the following:
- Alignment with Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2332 and responding to the actions and policies contained therein;
- Alignment with the Revelstoke’s Housing Action Plan and responding to the actions and policies contained therein;
- Facilitate multi-unit housing, opportunities for aging-in-place, and disincentivize proliferation of large, single detached residences for new development;
- Flexibility to promote a variety of local economic development opportunities across many zones;
- Adaptability to promote better utilization of tools within the bylaw to minimize future text amendments and comprehensive development zones; and
- Improvements in accessibility of the Zoning Bylaw to make all regulations easier to understand, reducing inconsistent interpretations by all users.