Short Term Rental Bylaw

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Consultation has concluded. See City website for details Short Term Rentals | Revelstoke, BC - Official Website 

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On January 25, 2022, Council granted First and Second reading to Bylaw No. 2295 (as amended), as well as Bylaw No. 2318. These bylaws propose changes to the City's Zoning Bylaw to provide a framework for Short Term Rental operation. A Public Hearing was held on February 22, 2022, for Bylaw No. 2295 and Bylaw No. 2318.

On March 10, 2022, as directed by Council, staff brought forward a report to Committee of the Whole regarding Short Term Rental regulation options. This report was in response to a resolution passed by Council on January 25, 2022.

The proposed Bylaws for Short Term Rental were given third reading on March 22, 2022. On March 25, 2022, Council adopted Bylaw No. 2295 and No. 2318. While the bylaws are adopted, Bylaw No. 2295, being the main bylaw to implement the changes, will not be enforced until associated amendments to the Business Licensing Bylaw, Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw, and Fees and Charges Bylaw are adopted.

Staff anticipate bringing these three supporting bylaws in addition to a Council policy to assist with implementation forward for consideration of First, Second and Third reading on April 12, 2022. Staff are targeting April 19, 2022 Council meeting for adoption.

Should all bylaws be adopted by April 19, 2022, staff have prepared information materials including webpage updates, application forms, checklists, a fact sheet, complaint form, and an operator guide so that individuals have the tools needed to effectively navigate the approval process.

Overview of STR

STRs are commonly known as AirBnB's, VRBOs, etc. and are gaining popularity among visitors for accommodation options while at the same time impacting the local housing market. By regulating STRs the City is working to find a balance between visitor accommodation choices, the ability for permanent residents to supplement their income, and the long term housing needs of residents. STR is already permitted in many areas of the City as a result of amendments to the Zoning Bylaw over the past decade. The intent of amendments is to provide clarity about where the use is permitted, the applicable regulations, and to allow for thoughtful expansion in areas where STR can be undertaken.

Proposed Regulations

Proposed Approval Process

Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw, Business License Bylaw, Fees and Charges Bylaw, as well as the MTI Bylaw are required to implement a regulatory framework for STRs. Once Zoning Bylaw amendments have been through a public hearing and given third reading, staff will bring forward the Business License, Fees and Charges, and MTI bylaws for consideration of First, Second and Third reading. Once all four bylaws have been granted Third reading, all would be brought back together for final adoption.

Zoning Bylaw Amendments

Bylaw No. 2295 - Summary of Changes

Since originally drafted, Bylaw No. 2295 has been changed. Staff have prepared a track changes version of Bylaw No. 2295 to show what has been changed. While it is part of Business License bylaw, it should be noted that a cap of 300 is no longer being proposed as part of these bylaw amendments.

The following is a summary of the most recent version of Bylaw No. 2295:

  • Continue to allow for STR in areas that are already zoned for this use including existing spot zoned properties (R1v etc.) and comprehensive development zones in accordance with existing regulations.
  • Expand the area where STR is permitted to 59 propertiesadjacent to Mackenzie Village and Revelstoke Mountain resort, bounded by Hay Road and Camozzi Road, as well as single family dwellings in the C2 (Downtown Fringe Commercial) zone, subject to the following:
    • Require permanent resident onsite operator living in either a secondary suite or primary part of the single family dwelling while the other portion is rented out as a STR.
    • STR would not be permitted in a carriage suite or garden suite.
    • 1 STR per lot, maximum 4 bedrooms with 8 occupants, and requiring 1 parking stall per bedroom.
    • The STR cannot detract from the residential character of the dwelling and cannot create a nuisance for surrounding properties.
    • A STR use cannot be undertaken in conjunction with a Bed and Breakfast, Hostel, or Group Home use and is not permitted any signage.
  • Expand where STR is permitted to single family dwellings in the C1 (Central Business District), and C6 (Victoria Road Commercial) zones. The general regulations include:
    • Require 24/7 property management services completed by a permanent resident.
    • STR would not be permitted in a carriage suite or garden suite.
    • 1 STR per lot, maximum 4 bedrooms with 8 occupants, and requiring 1 parking stall per bedroom.
    • The STR cannot detract from the residential character of the dwelling and cannot create a nuisance for surrounding properties.
    • A STR use cannot be undertaken in conjunction with a Bed and Breakfast, Hostel, or Group Home use and is not permitted any signage.

Bylaw No. 2318 - Summary of Changes

To help reduce ambiguity and improve clarity in the Zoning Bylaw, staff prepared housekeeping amendments to support the STR regulations as follows:

  • Consolidate the uses Hotel, Motor Hotel, Motel, and Lodge under one new use called "Tourist Accommodation" to provide greater flexibility in development form and to updated antiquated definitions.
  • Replace all references of Vacation Rental to STR, and updated Comprehensive Development Zones where STR is permitted to clearly identify the regulations that govern STR without changing any existing development rights.
  • Clarifying that in multifamily dwellings and mixed use buildings in the City's downtown area, STR and Tourist Accommodation is not permitted to ensure that these remain for permanent residents.
  • The ultimate outcome of this clean up is reducing ambiguity regarding where STR is and is not permitted and to clean up definitions as follows:
    • Providing temporary (less than 30 days) accommodation in residential or mixed use buildings can be undertaken with the following uses as may be permitted in applicable zones:
      • STR (see specific regulations above in Bylaw No. 2295 or as contained in comprehensive development zones)
      • Bed & Breakfast - renting rooms in the main portion of your single family dwelling while where you live, and providing a meal to occupants where occupants have access to common areas.
      • Hostel - renting dorms in the main portion of your single family dwelling where you live with occupants having access to common areas.
    • Providing temporary accommodation (less than 30 days) in commercial oriented buildings can be undertaken with the following use as may be permitted in applicable zones:
      • Tourist Accommodation - one or more buildings containing one or more habitable rooms or dwelling units that are used primarily to provide temporary accommodation for the travelling public and may include associated secondary commercial uses. This use includes but is not limited to hotels, motels, lodges, motor hotels, and guest cabins. This use does not include short term rental, bed and breakfast, or hostel.

Business Licensing Bylaw

Changes to the Business Licensing Bylaw is required to help enforce and track STRs. The amendments will address items such as:

  • Application requirements, proof of ownership and operator contact details
  • Inspection requirements
  • Advertising requirements

Municipal Ticket Information (MTI) Bylaw

Changes to the MTI Bylaw are required to allow for ticketing of properties that violate the proposed STR regulations. These changes will be presented to Council as part of the implementation of STR regulations to ensure tools are available for enforcement.

Fees and Charges Bylaw

An increase to the business licensing fees from the current rate of $200.00 plus $5.00 per bedroom is anticipated. An increase in fees will be considered to support the costs of implementing STR regulations and subsequent enforcement.

Background & Previous Consultation

Staff completed public engagement and presented updates to Council at Committee of the Whole (COTW) regarding Short Term Rental (STR) bylaw amendments throughout 2019 and 2021. The work undertaken on STR is based on direction received by Council since 2016. Staff reports from September 13, 2016, and November 8, 2016, include Council resolutions that provided direction to staff to prepare STR bylaw amendments for single family dwellings within City limits.

Between 2019 and 2022, staff have completed the following:

  • Presentation at the December 12, 2019 COTW meeting providing an overview of key issues, opportunities, and next steps.
  • Report at the February 13, 2020COTW meeting outlining Guiding Principles based on feedback from community stakeholders that includes:
    • Protect and meet the long-term rental needs of the community.
    • Allow a range of accommodation types that meet diverse visitor needs and support a quality visitor experience.
    • Ensure that short term rental accommodations are good neighbors.
    • Ensure equity among accommodation providers.
  • Establishment of a focus group who provided feedback between July 17 and July 31, 2020 via online survey (survey was extended in scope to include additional stakeholders and gathered feedback between August 25 and September 8, 2020).
  • Report at the October 8, 2020 COTW meeting presented the findings of the public engagement process and requested direction from Council regarding any future community engagement.
  • Staff update at the December 10, 2020 COTW meeting (verbal update).
  • Report and presentation at the February 11, 2021 COTW meeting outlining the draft amendments and next steps.
  • At the February 23, 2021 regular Council meeting, Council passed a resolution directing staff to bring the bylaw forward for First Reading consideration.
  • Staff presented a report at the June 8, 2021 Council meeting that was seeking final direction on how to prepare the bylaw amendments.
  • Staff presented a report at the July 27, 2021 Council meeting where First and Second reading were granted to Bylaw No. 2295.
  • Between July 7 and September 21, 2021, a survey was conducted with the results presented to Council.
  • On October 27, 2021, a Public Hearing was held for consideration of Bylaw No. 2295 to pursue zoning amendments to regulated STR.
  • On November 9, 2021, Council rescinded Second Reading of Bylaw No. 2295 and directed the bylaw go back to staff to complete further comparative research on how short term rental (STR) is regulated elsewhere to address concerns raised by the Community and Council, and that a report be brought back for COTW in December outlining next steps and timelines.
  • On December 9, 2021, staff presented a report to COTW that included options for STR regulation. Council directed staff to review feasibility of draft regulations for STR that would be permitted in specific areas of the City that have existing zoning to permit tourist accommodation.
  • On January 25, 2022, staff presented amendments to Bylaw No. 2295 and presented a new bylaw, Bylaw No. 2318 for Council consideration. Council passed First and Second Reading to these bylaws and directed staff to schedule a Public Hearing for February 22, 2022.

Latest News

On January 25, 2022, Council granted First and Second reading to Bylaw No. 2295 (as amended), as well as Bylaw No. 2318. These bylaws propose changes to the City's Zoning Bylaw to provide a framework for Short Term Rental operation. A Public Hearing was held on February 22, 2022, for Bylaw No. 2295 and Bylaw No. 2318.

On March 10, 2022, as directed by Council, staff brought forward a report to Committee of the Whole regarding Short Term Rental regulation options. This report was in response to a resolution passed by Council on January 25, 2022.

The proposed Bylaws for Short Term Rental were given third reading on March 22, 2022. On March 25, 2022, Council adopted Bylaw No. 2295 and No. 2318. While the bylaws are adopted, Bylaw No. 2295, being the main bylaw to implement the changes, will not be enforced until associated amendments to the Business Licensing Bylaw, Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw, and Fees and Charges Bylaw are adopted.

Staff anticipate bringing these three supporting bylaws in addition to a Council policy to assist with implementation forward for consideration of First, Second and Third reading on April 12, 2022. Staff are targeting April 19, 2022 Council meeting for adoption.

Should all bylaws be adopted by April 19, 2022, staff have prepared information materials including webpage updates, application forms, checklists, a fact sheet, complaint form, and an operator guide so that individuals have the tools needed to effectively navigate the approval process.

Overview of STR

STRs are commonly known as AirBnB's, VRBOs, etc. and are gaining popularity among visitors for accommodation options while at the same time impacting the local housing market. By regulating STRs the City is working to find a balance between visitor accommodation choices, the ability for permanent residents to supplement their income, and the long term housing needs of residents. STR is already permitted in many areas of the City as a result of amendments to the Zoning Bylaw over the past decade. The intent of amendments is to provide clarity about where the use is permitted, the applicable regulations, and to allow for thoughtful expansion in areas where STR can be undertaken.

Proposed Regulations

Proposed Approval Process

Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw, Business License Bylaw, Fees and Charges Bylaw, as well as the MTI Bylaw are required to implement a regulatory framework for STRs. Once Zoning Bylaw amendments have been through a public hearing and given third reading, staff will bring forward the Business License, Fees and Charges, and MTI bylaws for consideration of First, Second and Third reading. Once all four bylaws have been granted Third reading, all would be brought back together for final adoption.

Zoning Bylaw Amendments

Bylaw No. 2295 - Summary of Changes

Since originally drafted, Bylaw No. 2295 has been changed. Staff have prepared a track changes version of Bylaw No. 2295 to show what has been changed. While it is part of Business License bylaw, it should be noted that a cap of 300 is no longer being proposed as part of these bylaw amendments.

The following is a summary of the most recent version of Bylaw No. 2295:

  • Continue to allow for STR in areas that are already zoned for this use including existing spot zoned properties (R1v etc.) and comprehensive development zones in accordance with existing regulations.
  • Expand the area where STR is permitted to 59 propertiesadjacent to Mackenzie Village and Revelstoke Mountain resort, bounded by Hay Road and Camozzi Road, as well as single family dwellings in the C2 (Downtown Fringe Commercial) zone, subject to the following:
    • Require permanent resident onsite operator living in either a secondary suite or primary part of the single family dwelling while the other portion is rented out as a STR.
    • STR would not be permitted in a carriage suite or garden suite.
    • 1 STR per lot, maximum 4 bedrooms with 8 occupants, and requiring 1 parking stall per bedroom.
    • The STR cannot detract from the residential character of the dwelling and cannot create a nuisance for surrounding properties.
    • A STR use cannot be undertaken in conjunction with a Bed and Breakfast, Hostel, or Group Home use and is not permitted any signage.
  • Expand where STR is permitted to single family dwellings in the C1 (Central Business District), and C6 (Victoria Road Commercial) zones. The general regulations include:
    • Require 24/7 property management services completed by a permanent resident.
    • STR would not be permitted in a carriage suite or garden suite.
    • 1 STR per lot, maximum 4 bedrooms with 8 occupants, and requiring 1 parking stall per bedroom.
    • The STR cannot detract from the residential character of the dwelling and cannot create a nuisance for surrounding properties.
    • A STR use cannot be undertaken in conjunction with a Bed and Breakfast, Hostel, or Group Home use and is not permitted any signage.

Bylaw No. 2318 - Summary of Changes

To help reduce ambiguity and improve clarity in the Zoning Bylaw, staff prepared housekeeping amendments to support the STR regulations as follows:

  • Consolidate the uses Hotel, Motor Hotel, Motel, and Lodge under one new use called "Tourist Accommodation" to provide greater flexibility in development form and to updated antiquated definitions.
  • Replace all references of Vacation Rental to STR, and updated Comprehensive Development Zones where STR is permitted to clearly identify the regulations that govern STR without changing any existing development rights.
  • Clarifying that in multifamily dwellings and mixed use buildings in the City's downtown area, STR and Tourist Accommodation is not permitted to ensure that these remain for permanent residents.
  • The ultimate outcome of this clean up is reducing ambiguity regarding where STR is and is not permitted and to clean up definitions as follows:
    • Providing temporary (less than 30 days) accommodation in residential or mixed use buildings can be undertaken with the following uses as may be permitted in applicable zones:
      • STR (see specific regulations above in Bylaw No. 2295 or as contained in comprehensive development zones)
      • Bed & Breakfast - renting rooms in the main portion of your single family dwelling while where you live, and providing a meal to occupants where occupants have access to common areas.
      • Hostel - renting dorms in the main portion of your single family dwelling where you live with occupants having access to common areas.
    • Providing temporary accommodation (less than 30 days) in commercial oriented buildings can be undertaken with the following use as may be permitted in applicable zones:
      • Tourist Accommodation - one or more buildings containing one or more habitable rooms or dwelling units that are used primarily to provide temporary accommodation for the travelling public and may include associated secondary commercial uses. This use includes but is not limited to hotels, motels, lodges, motor hotels, and guest cabins. This use does not include short term rental, bed and breakfast, or hostel.

Business Licensing Bylaw

Changes to the Business Licensing Bylaw is required to help enforce and track STRs. The amendments will address items such as:

  • Application requirements, proof of ownership and operator contact details
  • Inspection requirements
  • Advertising requirements

Municipal Ticket Information (MTI) Bylaw

Changes to the MTI Bylaw are required to allow for ticketing of properties that violate the proposed STR regulations. These changes will be presented to Council as part of the implementation of STR regulations to ensure tools are available for enforcement.

Fees and Charges Bylaw

An increase to the business licensing fees from the current rate of $200.00 plus $5.00 per bedroom is anticipated. An increase in fees will be considered to support the costs of implementing STR regulations and subsequent enforcement.

Background & Previous Consultation

Staff completed public engagement and presented updates to Council at Committee of the Whole (COTW) regarding Short Term Rental (STR) bylaw amendments throughout 2019 and 2021. The work undertaken on STR is based on direction received by Council since 2016. Staff reports from September 13, 2016, and November 8, 2016, include Council resolutions that provided direction to staff to prepare STR bylaw amendments for single family dwellings within City limits.

Between 2019 and 2022, staff have completed the following:

  • Presentation at the December 12, 2019 COTW meeting providing an overview of key issues, opportunities, and next steps.
  • Report at the February 13, 2020COTW meeting outlining Guiding Principles based on feedback from community stakeholders that includes:
    • Protect and meet the long-term rental needs of the community.
    • Allow a range of accommodation types that meet diverse visitor needs and support a quality visitor experience.
    • Ensure that short term rental accommodations are good neighbors.
    • Ensure equity among accommodation providers.
  • Establishment of a focus group who provided feedback between July 17 and July 31, 2020 via online survey (survey was extended in scope to include additional stakeholders and gathered feedback between August 25 and September 8, 2020).
  • Report at the October 8, 2020 COTW meeting presented the findings of the public engagement process and requested direction from Council regarding any future community engagement.
  • Staff update at the December 10, 2020 COTW meeting (verbal update).
  • Report and presentation at the February 11, 2021 COTW meeting outlining the draft amendments and next steps.
  • At the February 23, 2021 regular Council meeting, Council passed a resolution directing staff to bring the bylaw forward for First Reading consideration.
  • Staff presented a report at the June 8, 2021 Council meeting that was seeking final direction on how to prepare the bylaw amendments.
  • Staff presented a report at the July 27, 2021 Council meeting where First and Second reading were granted to Bylaw No. 2295.
  • Between July 7 and September 21, 2021, a survey was conducted with the results presented to Council.
  • On October 27, 2021, a Public Hearing was held for consideration of Bylaw No. 2295 to pursue zoning amendments to regulated STR.
  • On November 9, 2021, Council rescinded Second Reading of Bylaw No. 2295 and directed the bylaw go back to staff to complete further comparative research on how short term rental (STR) is regulated elsewhere to address concerns raised by the Community and Council, and that a report be brought back for COTW in December outlining next steps and timelines.
  • On December 9, 2021, staff presented a report to COTW that included options for STR regulation. Council directed staff to review feasibility of draft regulations for STR that would be permitted in specific areas of the City that have existing zoning to permit tourist accommodation.
  • On January 25, 2022, staff presented amendments to Bylaw No. 2295 and presented a new bylaw, Bylaw No. 2318 for Council consideration. Council passed First and Second Reading to these bylaws and directed staff to schedule a Public Hearing for February 22, 2022.

Consultation has concluded. See City website for details Short Term Rentals | Revelstoke, BC - Official Website 

  • Share I am wondering why Aspen crescent, Victoria road and some C1 downtown properties are the ones chosen for STR expansion? Where will be the other areas STR will expand to? Should not all areas have a fair chance at applying for STR? on Facebook Share I am wondering why Aspen crescent, Victoria road and some C1 downtown properties are the ones chosen for STR expansion? Where will be the other areas STR will expand to? Should not all areas have a fair chance at applying for STR? on Twitter Share I am wondering why Aspen crescent, Victoria road and some C1 downtown properties are the ones chosen for STR expansion? Where will be the other areas STR will expand to? Should not all areas have a fair chance at applying for STR? on Linkedin Email I am wondering why Aspen crescent, Victoria road and some C1 downtown properties are the ones chosen for STR expansion? Where will be the other areas STR will expand to? Should not all areas have a fair chance at applying for STR? link

    I am wondering why Aspen crescent, Victoria road and some C1 downtown properties are the ones chosen for STR expansion? Where will be the other areas STR will expand to? Should not all areas have a fair chance at applying for STR?

    kirk pitaoulis asked almost 3 years ago

    Hi Kirk,

    The changes to the bylaw as directed by Council were in part to regulate STR on a spatial basis about where this type of use is appropriate (i.e. downtown, adjacent to resort) to ensure we preserve the residential nature of the neighbourhoods as those for permanent residents and promote long term rental. A bed and Breakfast is permitted in all residential zones and long term rental is an option as well. I recommend reviewing the staff report from January 25, 2022 for more details. 

    Have a great week!

    Paul Simon

  • Share Thanks for posting. A few questions: - What is the definition of secondary suite? - Can there be over 3 bedrooms if only 3 bedrooms contain beds, and the rental is advertised to sleep up to 6? - How are owners supposed to go about applying for a business license? on Facebook Share Thanks for posting. A few questions: - What is the definition of secondary suite? - Can there be over 3 bedrooms if only 3 bedrooms contain beds, and the rental is advertised to sleep up to 6? - How are owners supposed to go about applying for a business license? on Twitter Share Thanks for posting. A few questions: - What is the definition of secondary suite? - Can there be over 3 bedrooms if only 3 bedrooms contain beds, and the rental is advertised to sleep up to 6? - How are owners supposed to go about applying for a business license? on Linkedin Email Thanks for posting. A few questions: - What is the definition of secondary suite? - Can there be over 3 bedrooms if only 3 bedrooms contain beds, and the rental is advertised to sleep up to 6? - How are owners supposed to go about applying for a business license? link

    Thanks for posting. A few questions: - What is the definition of secondary suite? - Can there be over 3 bedrooms if only 3 bedrooms contain beds, and the rental is advertised to sleep up to 6? - How are owners supposed to go about applying for a business license?

    zoia asked over 3 years ago

    Hi Zoia, 

    Secondary suite is currently defined as, “SECONDARY SUITE means a dwelling unit which is accessory to a single family residential use and is contained within the principal building.” Secondary suites are permitted to be a maximum of 90 sq. m or 40% of the size of the principle dwelling, whichever is the lesser. 

    With respect to the maximum of three bedrooms, staff would need to review a floor plan as part of a business license application and understand what the intent of the other room. Staff would want to ensure that the room could not be turned into a bedroom to circumvent the 3 bedroom maximum. Applicants can make a business license application directly to Development Services by completing the applicable application form. Staff are currently working on an updated Business License application form for STRs to be implemented should the proposed regulations be adopted. 

    Thank-you for your interest and have a great week!

    Paul Simon

  • Share Is the 300 cap applicable to STRs in secondary suites or is the 300 cap only applicable to stand along houses/apartments in these specifically zoned areas? on Facebook Share Is the 300 cap applicable to STRs in secondary suites or is the 300 cap only applicable to stand along houses/apartments in these specifically zoned areas? on Twitter Share Is the 300 cap applicable to STRs in secondary suites or is the 300 cap only applicable to stand along houses/apartments in these specifically zoned areas? on Linkedin Email Is the 300 cap applicable to STRs in secondary suites or is the 300 cap only applicable to stand along houses/apartments in these specifically zoned areas? link

    Is the 300 cap applicable to STRs in secondary suites or is the 300 cap only applicable to stand along houses/apartments in these specifically zoned areas?

    Dan23 asked over 3 years ago

    Hello Dan 23, 

    The 300 unit cap is applicable to all STR’s in secondary suites, and commercial zones.

    It is not applicable to those Comprehensive Development (CD) zones such as Revelstoke Mountain Resort or Mackenzie Village which are permitted vacation rentals. The existing 11 spot zoned properties will be included in the 300 cap. Those properties that hold CD zoning are not included in the 300 unit cap.

    Thanks for the question,

    Paul Simon

  • Share Will properties zoned UR Urban Reserve. be included into the Short Term Rentals Zoning Bylaw Amendments as an allowable use. ? on Facebook Share Will properties zoned UR Urban Reserve. be included into the Short Term Rentals Zoning Bylaw Amendments as an allowable use. ? on Twitter Share Will properties zoned UR Urban Reserve. be included into the Short Term Rentals Zoning Bylaw Amendments as an allowable use. ? on Linkedin Email Will properties zoned UR Urban Reserve. be included into the Short Term Rentals Zoning Bylaw Amendments as an allowable use. ? link

    Will properties zoned UR Urban Reserve. be included into the Short Term Rentals Zoning Bylaw Amendments as an allowable use. ?

    Andrews asked over 3 years ago

    Hi Andrews, 

    The Urban Reserve zone is not proposed to be amended to allow for the STR use. The Urban reserve zone is not a standard residential zone, which is where the regulations are intended to apply, and is therefore not a suitable zone to accommodate this type of use. The propose of the Urban Reserve is to preserve the land for future development that aligns with the Official Community Plan. 

    Have a great week,

    Paul Simon

  • Share What happens to residences that are zone R2A, R3 or R4? on Facebook Share What happens to residences that are zone R2A, R3 or R4? on Twitter Share What happens to residences that are zone R2A, R3 or R4? on Linkedin Email What happens to residences that are zone R2A, R3 or R4? link

    What happens to residences that are zone R2A, R3 or R4?

    Ottis asked over 3 years ago

    Hi Ottis,

    The intent of the regulations is to regulate this development form on lots that contain a singe family dwelling. For properties that contain a two family dwelling or dwellings with three or more units, a STR use will not be permitted. Staff will examine the viability or different tourist accommodation developments as part of future amending bylaws. The proposed regulations only apply to lots that have a single family dwelling. If a R2A, R3, or R4 lot contains a single family dwelling with a secondary suite, they could apply for a STR business license. Within residential areas, the STR operator needs to be a permanent resident who resides onsite. 

    Thanks for the question!

    Paul Simon

  • Share How does a STR differ from a Bed and Breakfast with a Business Licence? on Facebook Share How does a STR differ from a Bed and Breakfast with a Business Licence? on Twitter Share How does a STR differ from a Bed and Breakfast with a Business Licence? on Linkedin Email How does a STR differ from a Bed and Breakfast with a Business Licence? link

    How does a STR differ from a Bed and Breakfast with a Business Licence?

    AxeOne asked over 3 years ago

    Hi AxeOne, 

    A Bed and Breakfast has an operator that lives onsite within the same dwelling unit that the visitors are residing in, and the visitors are served a breakfast. A STR operator, under the proposed regulations, would live in the primary dwelling unit onsite while the visitors reside in the secondary suite.


    Paul Simon, RPP, MCIP
    Senior Planner

  • Share Hi Marianne, This is more an observation rather than a question and I would really appreciate if this could be passed onto the council. You only have to look at the number of people who are looking for 1 or 2 bedroom rentals on the Revy Rentals FaceBook page for the winter to realise that secondary suites are so important to the long term rental pool. I appreciate that it was not the city staff’s recommendation that STR be limited to secondary suites but I feel this will just delay moving forward with the by law. This may be because a more mature cohort is being attracted to the town and do not want to share a home with a host of others. I also propose that a Code of Conduct be developed to appease the local long term residents. If they can see that guests to our town will be made to behave then they may be more likely to understand and be happy with the situation. i would be happy to put forward some suggestions. I would also like to make the point that I would rather have a STR as a neighbour than a four bedroom home that is packed with young workers who are much more likely to party. Good luck with it all. I look forward to the public hearing. Regards, Tessa Fairweather on Facebook Share Hi Marianne, This is more an observation rather than a question and I would really appreciate if this could be passed onto the council. You only have to look at the number of people who are looking for 1 or 2 bedroom rentals on the Revy Rentals FaceBook page for the winter to realise that secondary suites are so important to the long term rental pool. I appreciate that it was not the city staff’s recommendation that STR be limited to secondary suites but I feel this will just delay moving forward with the by law. This may be because a more mature cohort is being attracted to the town and do not want to share a home with a host of others. I also propose that a Code of Conduct be developed to appease the local long term residents. If they can see that guests to our town will be made to behave then they may be more likely to understand and be happy with the situation. i would be happy to put forward some suggestions. I would also like to make the point that I would rather have a STR as a neighbour than a four bedroom home that is packed with young workers who are much more likely to party. Good luck with it all. I look forward to the public hearing. Regards, Tessa Fairweather on Twitter Share Hi Marianne, This is more an observation rather than a question and I would really appreciate if this could be passed onto the council. You only have to look at the number of people who are looking for 1 or 2 bedroom rentals on the Revy Rentals FaceBook page for the winter to realise that secondary suites are so important to the long term rental pool. I appreciate that it was not the city staff’s recommendation that STR be limited to secondary suites but I feel this will just delay moving forward with the by law. This may be because a more mature cohort is being attracted to the town and do not want to share a home with a host of others. I also propose that a Code of Conduct be developed to appease the local long term residents. If they can see that guests to our town will be made to behave then they may be more likely to understand and be happy with the situation. i would be happy to put forward some suggestions. I would also like to make the point that I would rather have a STR as a neighbour than a four bedroom home that is packed with young workers who are much more likely to party. Good luck with it all. I look forward to the public hearing. Regards, Tessa Fairweather on Linkedin Email Hi Marianne, This is more an observation rather than a question and I would really appreciate if this could be passed onto the council. You only have to look at the number of people who are looking for 1 or 2 bedroom rentals on the Revy Rentals FaceBook page for the winter to realise that secondary suites are so important to the long term rental pool. I appreciate that it was not the city staff’s recommendation that STR be limited to secondary suites but I feel this will just delay moving forward with the by law. This may be because a more mature cohort is being attracted to the town and do not want to share a home with a host of others. I also propose that a Code of Conduct be developed to appease the local long term residents. If they can see that guests to our town will be made to behave then they may be more likely to understand and be happy with the situation. i would be happy to put forward some suggestions. I would also like to make the point that I would rather have a STR as a neighbour than a four bedroom home that is packed with young workers who are much more likely to party. Good luck with it all. I look forward to the public hearing. Regards, Tessa Fairweather link

    Hi Marianne, This is more an observation rather than a question and I would really appreciate if this could be passed onto the council. You only have to look at the number of people who are looking for 1 or 2 bedroom rentals on the Revy Rentals FaceBook page for the winter to realise that secondary suites are so important to the long term rental pool. I appreciate that it was not the city staff’s recommendation that STR be limited to secondary suites but I feel this will just delay moving forward with the by law. This may be because a more mature cohort is being attracted to the town and do not want to share a home with a host of others. I also propose that a Code of Conduct be developed to appease the local long term residents. If they can see that guests to our town will be made to behave then they may be more likely to understand and be happy with the situation. i would be happy to put forward some suggestions. I would also like to make the point that I would rather have a STR as a neighbour than a four bedroom home that is packed with young workers who are much more likely to party. Good luck with it all. I look forward to the public hearing. Regards, Tessa Fairweather

    TFairweather asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you Tessa. This information has been forwarded to the Development Services Department.